kaleidocopy emilia tanase

A free guide exclusively for personal brands. Now you can…

Craft story-based
emails that build
your fandom

And turn prospects into customers for life. With this free, snappy guide.

Ramp up your open rates. Make Big Kahuna sales with email. Become unforgettable

Stop speaking into the void. See how to craft clincher emails that build your fandom. Make getting rave replies an expected part of your business. And drive conversion results that make you Sheesh!

Pssst! A sneak peek

Just imagine getting reactions like these every time you email:

And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. XOXO, just kidding — this ain’t Stephanie Savage’s TV show.

Hi! I’m Emilia Tanase, conversion copywriter & email strategist. Since starting my copywriting career in high school (six years ago), I’ve been called an “inspirational genius” by the Copyhackers team, published on some of the biggest  marketing blogs in the world, and even spoken on an international stage. Right now, I’m helping personal brands and ecommerce companies increase email revenue, retain customers, and boost LTV with email storytelling (the hocus to my pocus). 

Trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry


What’s inside the guide:

How to turn any boring event into an engaging story-based email for your list - page 7

Three stupid simple ways to build cliffhangers that send your open rates into overdrive - page 9

How to get your readers hooked through "narrative transportation" - page 4

The most immersing storytelling principle that keeps people reading till the end - page 8

Two words you should never write in an email if you want a famous personal brand - page 11

Exactly what makes an irresistible subject line (and how famous copywriters do it) - page 2

Ready to reel in your tribe of loyal customers with addictive email copy?

Get free access to the 5 Laws of Irresistible Emails now. 

Where can I send your free guide for crafting addictive emails?